In a series of seasonal workshops, we will delve into the ancient practice of Ayurveda, the holistic healing science for the body – partner to Yoga’s healing science for the mind. Ayurveda, meaning science (veda) of life (ayur), takes a personalized and preventative approach to optimal health and longevity in harmony with nature’s pulse.
During each workshop, discover how to add seasonal rhythm to your yogasana, pranayama and meditation practices, plus key dietary and lifestyle changes, appropriate herbs to use and recipes that can be used to bring about optimal health. Learn how to go with the flow of nature and weave simple yet effective daily rituals throughout the year to live a more harmonious life. Understanding your unique makeup as well as the elemental shifts in the seasons and the imbalances they may bring will smooth your transition from season to season.
As Winter melts into Spring, we continue to face cold, damp temperatures along with a desire to come out of winter hibernation. Ayurveda can provide tools to counteract the feelings of heaviness, sluggishness and congestion that come from this season’s dominant dosha, kapha. Spring is a time of regeneration and growth! Just as we witness a "fresh start" in nature, it is essential that we give ourselves this same chance. We will focus on practices that stimulate, cleanse, lighten, and clear the slate because Spring is about new beginnings, setting roots that sustain us through Summer and Fall.
The workshop will kick off with a refreshing yoga and meditation session that is aligned to the Spring season. This portion, to include kriyas, inversion and yoga nidra, is all about experiencing the seasonal wisdom of Ayurveda in your being.
Post-practice, we will dive into discussion and discovery, exploring the nuts and bolts of Ayurveda, the doshas (bio-energies) and dinacharya (daily routine) for the Spring. All levels welcome!
Please come with your questions and curiosities, a journal, socks and layers, water and yoga mat.