“What greater gift can one give than the gift of love? Bodywork is a perfect vehicle through which to express this love. It transcends all borders, touching not only the physical body but also the heart and mind. It expresses care and kindness in a way that is so direct that it can be absorbed immediately. ”
Do you feel physically stuck or stagnant? Are you seeking more emotional balance? Do you long to feel nurtured in spirit? If yes, please give yourself the gift of this unique healing experience. I am delighted to offer these healing sessions in a light-filled studio space. Thai Yoga Bodywork incorporates Thai Yoga, Yoga Therapeutics, Reiki/Qi healing and integrative rest—65 minutes of blended holistic care. This is great for people needing to relax, feel pampered and just have some down time for themselves. Treatments are highly effective and nurturing.
I am passionate about the power and potential of healing touch and providing high-quality, genuine care as a consistent part of life. Read some client testimonials if you’re curious about the experience!
Just for a moment, imagine your health as a circle. In that circle are all the parts of yourself: your arms and legs as well as your thoughts and emotions and your spirit. And there are others. There are healthcare providers and care-givers. There are neighbors, friends, and co-workers—those you know, and those you don’t. All these people are in the circle too. We’re all in this together. We are all connected. Your health matters. Our health matters. Healing of any kind always expands, and the entire circle is impacted.
Bodywork is a broad term that includes many approaches to healing, all based in working with the body.
Thai Yoga Bodywork is a 2,500 year old powerful and mystical healing art combining acupressure, stretching and assisted yoga—used to treat illness, relieve pain and stress, support well-being and bring emotional balance. This passed-down tradition of compassionate touch creates an experience that opens the physical body and energy channels while relaxing the mind and heart for a synergistic effect. It truly feels like hitting the reset button on your being. Science confirms what we innately know—healing touch is essential for wellness. Touch resets the nervous system + boosts the healing capacity of body, emotions and mind.
s e s s i o n d a t e s
2020 - TBD
a b o u t m e
I am a Certified Thai Yoga Bodywork practitioner, having completed 56 hours of Thai Bodywork training, an additional 36 hours as a training assistant to my brilliant teacher, Michael Sitzer, and 500+ hours over the last 4 years treating individuals.
Read this New York Times piece:
The Healing Power of Hugs
Read this piece from Berkeley:
The Science of Touch
f l o w o f s e s s i o n
As you enter the studio, you will find a large padded mat with props set up for your comfort. Your session is fully-clothed. We will talk about what you need. Each session will vary—tailored to you that day. Sessions are broadly focused on creating space in the body and will always include focused bodywork, a Qi transmission and an extended restoration. Each session is approached with reverence, respect & intuitive awareness.
arrival + intake
Please arrive 5-10 minutes early. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement. Take a moment to relax, sip some water or tea and settle in, make yourself at home. I will greet you at your session start time. Then, in collaboration, we'll determine an intention based on your current needs. I encourage you to explore ahead of time what might support you during this sacred time.
bodywork, integrative rest + qi healing
I will use intentional, skilled touch to support your intention, then transition you to integrative rest, where you'll cozy up with bolsters and blankets, absorbing the benefits of the bodywork you have received. At this time I will also transmit Qi (Ki) through your body to clear any remaining energetic blockages and to enhance the level of life force in the body. This will in turn support and help to integrate all the work we’ve done. You will feel open, yet grounded, and full of presence.
You’ll be guided to ease back into a seated meditation, incorporating slow, deep breathing as you steep in stillness for a few minutes before you transition.